Vegetable Garden – End of June


All veggies are growing very strong with the exception of the broccoli as we have a major groundhog problem.  There’s four of them but only two eat from the garden. They’ve almost completely destroyed the broccoli plants and have occasionally munched on the cucumbers and radish plants.  There are many ways to prevent them from destroying all your hard work.

One way is to build a chicken wire fence. I built a small one around the broccoli and carrots.  There’s chicken wire about a foot into the ground and bricks for an added deterrent for the ground hogs.  The bricks also act as an indicator of an attempted breach if they fall.  So far it seems to be working.

Here’s a link I came across with some more helpful tips on getting rid of groundhogs –

List of what’s growing:  Tomatoes, egg plant, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, radish, garlic, sweet and Thai basil, thyme, oregano, dill, cilantro, parsley.